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Nick Redfern, full-time author, lecturer and journalist joins Universal Truth Evolution to open our minds even wider with subject matter that will keep our eyes peeled and our senses on alert for high strangeness in areas we haven’t covered before. Nick will be providing what we guarantee will be an information saturation session on UFOs and Cryptozoology – the latter being the study of unknown animals such as Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monsters, Chupacabras, Werewolves and more.

It’s a priviledge to have Nick with us as he shares his extensive knowledge on these and many more topics, including the study of paranormal phenomena. Being a regular contributor to UFO Magazine, Fate and Fortean Times, he’s definitely one of the top reporters in the field. Nick has appeared on many television shows, including the History Channel’s ‘Monster Quest’; the National Geographic Channel’s ‘Paranatural’; and the SyFy Channel’s ‘Proof Positive’. His many books include, Contactees; There’s something in the Woods; and Memoirs of a Monster Hunter.

Nothing is too ‘far out’ for Nick, so be prepared to have your questions answered on this truly intradimensional first of its kind session, like never before!